Friday, March 11, 2016

Considering trumping Donald

The American people have truly surprised me this election. Not only did one of the most under-qualified candidates run this year, but the man is actually winning the race. I am speaking, of course, on Donald Trump and his usual antics: racism, anti-muslim comments, and misogyny to name a few topics. With topics like these, one would assume there'd be at least some tension within the crowds; and you would not be wrong. There have been numerous incidents of silent protesters being attacked (verbally or otherwise) at Trump's rallies, and even some moments where he encourages such behavior. It's a surprise he hasn't somehow been charged, but the worst moment of all came when he wasn't even present. The Huffington Post covered the case well, commenting on the over 2,000 protesters that essentially shut down the rally in St. Louis, MO altogether. Things started off innocently enough (as innocent as one can get while supporting this kind of person) for the participants; supporters and protesters alike. Once Trump decidedly postponed the meeting, however, the people were left with their wound up emotions and no outlet. Intense confrontations led to 32 people being arrested and one injured, to which Trump expressed his apathy by trying to justify that "in the old days.. [protesters] would be carried out on stretchers". Some see Donald Trump's actions as suspect, believing that he may have seen this proverbial bullet coming and decided to hop out of the way. Others believe it to have been inevitable, as the perfect mixture for the perfect storm was already set in place. What bothers me is that nobody wants to draw the painfully simple line that connects this man to all of these 'outrageous' acts. Trump is inciting a portion of the population that many thought had gone extinct (but to which I like to label as having gone 'into hibernation'), and is actually using that momentum to carry him into the Presidential Elections. He does not truly care for the political beliefs he flip-flops on rally after rally, nor the people that are even in his own political party; and I am afraid that it will be too late when the American public realizes just how little he cares about us as well.

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