Saturday, April 2, 2016

Considering Donald trumping

Now that everyone sees Donald J. Trump as a legitimate candidate, I would like to take the time to provide some insight into just how well this man could truly run the country. Let me preface this post by saying that I am not, in fact, a Trump supporter. I am merely here to highlight the magnificent things this man can do for me and you. 
Firstly, Trump is widely known for his business expertise. Why, he has negotiated out of not 1, nor 2, but 4 different multi-million dollar debts that actually ended in his favor. What he would do was have the company file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy (in which the business can still operate), essentially ditch the whole operation, and then come back later when most of the debt has been dealt with by the banks to buy it back up. He has even admitted to "playing with bankruptcy laws", claiming "they're very good for" eliminating unwanted debt (Newsweek 2011). Just imagine how that can translate to his career in office: no longer do the American people need to worry about its national deficit, for the famous (and infamous) businessman can simply outsource control of the country until it's low enough for us to take it back.
Another attribute Donald Trump has is his experience in politics. Believe it or not, this isn't Trump's first attempt at running, as he originally ran for office in 2000 with affiliation to the Reform Party. Obviously, that brings into question his allegiance to the Republican ideologies he so vehemently pushes for this time around, but it matters little to him; in fact, he has had affiliation with both the Independent and Democratic Parties as well. The key factor he looks for in political parties, in my opinion, is whether there are people with shallow pockets looking to make them deeper. His standings on political issues change with every new criticism that arises, as is his attempt to 'please the masses', so to speak. This would translate much better once he attains the reigns of this country, as his flip-floppiness would keep us out of countless foreign troubles that would surely envelope America otherwise. 
Now I know that there is mounting evidence against Donald Trump being a good person (i.e. him being a racist, sexist, power-hungry, egotistical old man), but let's choose to ignore those attributes. Instead, let's look at how well a businessman could run a country that's becoming as unstable as his toupee. 


  1. After reading this article by Marcus Hobbs, I have stretched into the deepest corners of my mind to imagine the good that Mr. Drumf could do for our country. While neither Marcus or I are Trump supporters, it is always fun to shit on who could possibly be the most dangerous man in America. Donald Trump. Even saying his name puts a bad taste in my mouth. Sure, we know of Donald J. Trump to be a brilliant businessman, but do are we forgetting the man behind the money? Let's take a little look back to a few of Donald's other ventures. Trump University- the online unaccredited school that after many law suits was shut down. It was an illegal and...ahem...POINTLESS...."institution."
    In an interview by E! entertainment, when talking about her father, Ivanka recalls walking by Trump tower with her father and him saying to her, "That homeless bum on the street? Right now he's got seven million more dollars than me."
    Can we trust this man with our financial future? I suppose he could be of use if controlled in a room full of decent people creating plans.
    But the question still remains: Do we want this man to represent us to the rest of the world?
    I can't tell if he is brainwashing people or what, but really, is this the person we need for the job? I mean sure, while bringing up a pre-paid wall from Mexico, Trump will be able to truly focus on the important things. Like kicking out Muslims and of course making fun of crippled people and women.
    There will always be another argument as to why or why not Trump should be our president, but at the end of the day, the question will still be there- is he the one we want to represent America?

  2. I would have to deeply disagree with Donald trump's economic plan. Trump's plan sounds like the The Great Depression all over again. Now I am not simply over playing one of the worst economic periods in America to denounce Republican party. I would say I feel more of a Republican than a Democrat. I digress back to The Great Depression, Wall Street created a deal with consumers that every dollar they put into a stock they would loan $9 which in reality banks were loaning the money. The market then crashed and all the consumers panicked and attempted to withdraw everything my point in this is debt doesn't just disappear. My relation to getting rid of debt and The stock market is that everyone was investing in stocks and everyone will try and cut debt but when do we trust corporations to JUST cut debt
